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Checklist of IT Metrics

This is a checklist of IT metrics from APQC.

  • IT organization
    • Cost Effectiveness
      • Total IT budget as % of revenue
      • Total IT budget per employee
      • Average time to break even for new or enhanced IT services by level of investment
      • Number of IT customers serviced per FTE
    • Staff Productivity
      • Number of employees performing IT processes per <$1,000> revenue
      • Number of IT FTEs for developing and managing customer relationships per <$1,000> revenue
      • Number of IT FTEs for managing the business of IT per <$1,000> revenue
      • Number of IT FTEs for managing business resiliency and risk per <$1,000> revenue
      • Number of IT FTEs for managing enterprise information per <$1,000> revenue
      • Number of IT FTEs for developing and maintaining IT solutions per <$1,000> revenue
      • Number of IT FTEs for deploying IT solutions per <$1,000> revenue
      • Number of IT FTEs for delivering and supporting IT solutions per <$1,000> revenue
      • Number of IT FTEs for managing IT knowledge per <$1,000> revenue
      • Number of external service provider FTEs per <$1,000> revenue
    • Cycle Time
      • Average time to market for new or enhanced IT services by level of investment
    • Business Driver
      • IT expense per employee
      • Percentage of IT budget used for discretionary versus non-discretionary expenditures
      • Percent of IT budget used to operate versus grow business
      • Distribution of IT operating versus capital budget
      • Distribution of IT operating budget by hardware, software, personnel, external service providers, network/telecom, facilities, and other
      • Distribution of IT operating budget related to software
      • Distribution of IT operating budget related to personnel
      • Distribution of IT operating budget related to networks/telecom
      • Distribution of IT capital budget related to computing equipment, storage equipment, software, network/telecom, external service providers, and other
      • Distribution of IT capital budget related to computing and storage
      • Geographic distribution of IT customers
      • Geographic distribution of IT employees
      • Percent change in IT budget for upcoming year
      • Percentage of SLA governance by process category
      • Distribution of IT budget by process category
  • IT Planning and Management
    • Cost Effectiveness
      • Total cost of managing the business of IT per <$1,000> revenue divided by cost category
      • Total cost of managing IT customer relationships per <$1,000> revenue divided by cost category
      • Total cost of managing business resiliency and risk per <$1,000> revenue divided by cost category
      • Total cost of managing IT knowledge per <$1,000> revenue divided by cost category
    • Staff Productivity
      • Level of FTE experience by process category
      • Staff turnover (retire, new hire, replaced within one year)
      • Length of time for IT KM program
    • Cycle Time
      • Average time to respond to business shifts
      • Average time to match IT need with service/solution by investment level
      • Average time to act on business exposure/opportunity categorized by percent of revenue
      • Average time to close an IT skill or capability gap
  • IT Development and Maintenance
    • Cost Effectiveness
      • Average percentage of project ROI achieved
      • Total cost of develop information and content management strategies per <$1,000> revenue divided by cost category
      • Total cost of define the enterprise information architecture per <$1,000> revenue divided by cost category
      • Total cost of manage information resources per <$1,000> revenue divided by cost category
      • Total cost of perform enterprise data and content management per <$1,000> revenue divided by cost category
      • Total cost of develop and maintain IT solutions per <$1,000> revenue divided by cost category
      • Percentage of IT budget used for develop information and content management strategies
      • Percentage of IT budget used for defining the enterprise information architecture
      • Percentage of IT budget used for manage information resources
      • Percentage of IT resources used for perform enterprise data and content management
      • Percentage of data managed centrally as enterprise information assets
      • Percent of common data across all business units
      • Percentage of data that has defined policy, definition, and change control responsibility
      • Total annual number of revisions to the published enterprise information architecture
      • Percentage of data assessed for compliance with information policies and standards
      • Percentage of information elements with assigned and active data custodians
      • Average percentage change in detected exceptions to the information architecture per year
      • Percentage of IT budget for SOA
    • Staff Productivity
      • Number of FTEs for develop information and content management strategies per <$1,000> revenue
      • Number of FTEs for define the enterprise information architecture per <$1,000> revenue
      • Number of FTEs for manage information resources per <$1,000> revenue
      • Number of FTEs for perform enterprise data and content management per <$1,000> revenue
      • Number of FTEs classified as IT architects
    • Process Efficiency
      • Percentage of projects delivered on time or early
      • Percentage of projects delivered on or below budget
      • Average percentage of initial functionality delivered
      • Number of current and prior development projects by investment level
      • Average backlog
      • Average time to respond to highest priority problems
      • Average time to resolve highest priority problems
      • Number of break/fix requests requiring rework
      • Number of SOA services implemented
      • Percentage of internal versus external SOA services
    • Cycle Time
      • Average time to fulfill an information need categorized by complexity
      • Average time to create the enterprise information management strategic plan
      • Length of information architecture planning horizon
      • Average time to report on compliance status of the information architecture
      • Average time to set up the technical interface for a user of a defined data content source
      • Average time to fulfill a business need with relevant IT solutions categorized by investment level
  • IT Operations
    • Cost Effectiveness
      • Total cost of deploy IT solutions per <$1,000> revenue divided by cost category
      • Total cost of deliver and support IT services per <$1,000> revenue divided by cost category
    • Process Efficiency
      • Percentage of unscheduled outages from change requests
      • Percentage of unscheduled outages from release introductions
    • Cycle Time
      • Average time to make a change to the production environment
      • Average time to introduce a new release into the production environment
      • Average time to resolve a service commitment disruption


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