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Checklist for conflict resolution

  1. Focus
    • Focus on the issue by separating the person from the problem. No name-calling and no labeling.
    • Be flexible, as the enterprise’s rules and policies to govern employee behavior do not cover every situation. Solutions present themselves in a culture of cooperation and compromise.
    • Encourage responsibility by promoting the importance of raising concerns and addressing them as early as possible. Employees fearing retaliation will only "go underground" with their issues, where they fester and grow out of all proportion.
    • Communication is both the source and solution of many conflicts. When dialogue is subverted conflict, breeds in an atmosphere of tension, misunderstanding and fear.
    • Fairness counts and make sure that all team members are subject to the same guidelines.
  2. Negotiations
    • Avoid defend/attack methods
    • Obtain information by asking questions
    • Attempt to understand all perceptions
  3. Meetings
    • Identify areas of agreement
    • Defer the subject to later in the meeting or document & set aside for discussion at the next meeting
    • Obtain opinion from other meeting participants
    • Create a compromise
  4. Interpersonal relationships
    • Determine existence of problems between individual team members
    • Arrange face-to-face meetings to discuss problems & explain what is the perceived problem
    • Use feedback & don't attack with accusations
    • Listen with open minds & respect each other's opinions
    • Avoid finger pointing & come to a compromise
  5. Transparency
    • Keep it in the open and don't resort to secrecy
    • Avoiding breeding discontent and alienation
  6. Ground rules
    Team members need to be able to express themselves in an atmosphere of respect and consideration.
    Team leaders should promote "attack-free" zones for dialogue.
    Collectively identify behaviors & attitudes that limit conflict & encourage effectiveness. Decide what course of action to take if team members do not observe your team's relational & operational guidelines
    No one likes to see a team go off track. Make sure you have a plan in case it does.


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