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Showing posts from April, 2010


Major Problem Reviews in 6 Easy Pieces

Hank Marquis writes in Major Problem Reviews in 6 Easy Pieces : " If you are ITIL® certified then you remember Major Problem Reviews (MPR). You may still remember that Problem Management performs a MPR after resolving a 'major problem' to identify: What was done right What was done wrong What could be done better next time How to prevent the Problem from happening again The benefits of MPR are many, including reduced staff workload and higher quality operations. However, aside from the above, the ITIL offers no specifics on how to perform a MPR. "

Expanding the Expanded Incident Lifecycle

Read about Expanding the Expanded Incident Lifecycle by Janet Kuhn, Vice President, itSM Solutions LLC: " A key to improving the quality of IT service begins with understanding and utilizing one of ITIL’s simplest concepts - the Expanded Incident Lifecycle. If you have attended an ITIL Foundation course, you undoubtedly remember the slide depicting the Expanded Incident Lifecycle (below). That is the graphical timeline that starts with an Incident on the left, progresses through the various stages of diagnosis, repair, restoration and closure, and then continues to the next Incident. " This is a great article and builds on a number of posts about the topic on this blog.

Incident classification

This is a great view on ITIL incident classification, with some great extra resources here . Catagory The Missing Link from ServiceSphere on Vimeo . This video was originally posted on ServiceSphere and Survive for seven .