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Business Impact Analysis

The resultant impact on the company is measured to determine the perceptive.of the IT customer  Five areas are assessed. Each area has a maximum score of 4 and the classification is the score of all areas represented as a percentage.
  1. Scope - Percentage of customers affected.
  2. Credibility - Internal and external negative consequences in the company.
  3. Operations - Business interference.
  4. Urgency - Time planning.
  5. Prioritization - Resource reaction.
Scope scoring
  • (4) More than 50% of customers affected
  • (3) More than 25% of customers affected
  • (2) Less than 25% of customers affected*
  • (1) Less than 1% of users affected
  • (0) Single IT customer affected
Credibility scoring
  • (4) Areas outside the company will be affected negatively
  • (3) Company affected negatively
  • (2) Multiple business units affected negatively
  • (1) Single business units affected negatively
  • (0) No credibility issue*
Operations scoring
  • (4) Interferes with core business functions
  • (3) Interferes with business activities*
  • (2) Significant interference with completion of work
  • (1) Some interference with normal completion of work
  • (0) No work interference
Urgency scoring
  • (4) Underway and could not be stopped
  • (3) Caused by unscheduled change or maintenance
  • (2) Incident caused by a change
  • (1) Incident caused by scheduled maintenance
  • (0) Completion time not important*
Prioritization scoring
Reviewing the scope , credibility, operations and urgency please classify the priority of the incident.
  • (4) Critical - An immediate and sustained effort using all available resources until resolved. On-call procedures activated, vendor support invoked.
  • (3) High - Technicians respond immediately, assess the situation, and may interrupt other staff working low or medium priority jobs for assistance.
  • (2) Medium - Respond using standard procedures and operating within normal supervisory management structures.
  • (1) Low - Respond using standard operating procedures as time allows. *
  • (0) No prioritization

* - default score
Classification example
  • The scope is rated as 2 – less than 25% of customers affected.
  • The credibility is rated as 4 – Areas outside the company will be affected negatively.
  • The operations is rated as 2 - Interferes with normal completion of work.
  • The urgency is rated as 3 - Caused by unscheduled change or maintenance.
  • The prioritization is rated as 3 – High - Technicians respond immediately, assess the situation, and may interrupt other staff working low or medium priority jobs for assistance.
  • The score is thus 14 out of a max of 20 = 70%.
After a large enough sample pool has been built the averages are calculated. Let's assume the average for classification is 70%. Dependant on the calculate score for a specific major incident the following statements can be made:
  • The incident affected the company less than usual.
  • The incident affected the company the same as usual.
  • The incident affected the company greater than usual.
Read about the Major Incident Process here.


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