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Obituary: Wiley Badenhorst - Passed on 27 November 2009

The details of memorial service of the late Wiley Badenhorst are as follows:

Date: Thursday, 10 December Time: 11:0am
Location: NG church Constantia Kruin in Constantiakloof (cnr Yolandie/ Liebenberg), the church is opposite Constantia Primary school.

Please make an effort to attend. Wiley was an honorary member of the Grey Reunie.

A Grey Gentlemen at heart. He lived for the occasion on which he could represent his Alma Mater. Wiley was passionate about Grey College and thrived on any event that he could interact with and influence people in the Grey way.
Wiley was driven in the fact that the Reunie was a medium by which all Old Greys could benefit and he encouraged all around him and especially new Old Greys he met to participate and become part of the Old Grey family. Wiley was steadfast in his dealings with all and was stern in the fact that the interests of Grey College and the Reunie should be prevalent in all his actions.
Wiley’s influence at the Gauteng Branch and the National Committee level will be remembered in the annuals of the Grey College history. Wiley spent many years focussing on the interests of Grey College, not only time but also his passion, drive and energy will sorely be missed. He was a man who stood out amongst his peers and drove issues that others would dare to try. The Grey College fraternity has lost a true Grey Gentleman.
The Grey College National Reunie Committee as well as all Old Greys hereby pass our condolences on to his family and friends. You are all in our thoughts and prayers and may your suffering be short as the memories of his presence be ever near. May God bless Wiley on his new journey and lay a soft hand of blessing on all those dear and close to him.
May the memory of Wiley linger on in time and may we all learn from all his experiences and grow in his memory.
Wiley Badenhorst you will be missed.

1 Thessalonians 4:17-18
Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.

God Bless

The Grey College Family.


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