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Checklist for video conferencing

  1. Planning - clear purpose of conference, understand deliverables, determine number and length of sessions, agree on content, technical pre-setup.
  2. Documentation - ISDN numbers, names of sites, names of participants, mobile phone numbers of participants for backup, technical troubleshooting: Sound, video, dial tones, feedback, batteries and cameras, address book.
  3. Session protocol - introductions and formalities (location, time, weather), focus of conference and procedural information (muting), talk naturally, at an even pace, with expression and clarity (emphasize pitch, tone, volume pausing and pacing), remember that an animated, energetic, enthusiastic presence is critical when motivating, holding attention and emphasizing points, Look at the camera, not the screen, share tasks across the sites and encourage participation, do not talk for more than 30 minutes without a break, after the session email participants, thanking them for their participation and include opinions and issues.
  4. Room setup - clothing: wear shades of blue or gray, avoid green, red or orange, sounds and movements: avoid tapping on the desk, shuffling papers and whispering to other participants, avoid rocking in your chair or moving from side to side, use hand and arm movements, speaking and eye contact: position the camera above the monitor, look directly at the monitor and create the perception that you are addressing the remote participant as if they were in the same room, manage motion & sound delay: Allow for delays as interruptions in a video conference are different for remote participants as opposed to local participants


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