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Checklist for an infrastructure business case (from ITIL)

This is a checklist for an infrastructure project from the ITIL books.
  • Identification and quantification of all the benefits to the business and its customers.
  • The overall scope, objectives and Critical Success Factors (CSFs) of the proposed solution.
  • The business sponsor, owner and list of stakeholders.
  • A description of the current situation, including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
  • The strategic fit and details of how the preferred solution conforms to, or deviates from, existing business and technology policies, strategies and plans.
  • The implications and impact of not proceeding with the business case.
  • A description of the proposed new services, components or technology being considered.
  • Constraints and dependencies.
  • Contractual, legal and regulatory issues environmental issues.
  • An overview of how this proposal support the key strategic objectives of:
    • the business strategies.
    • the technology strategy.
  • Market considerations:
    • The markets involved and their possible geographical variations.
    • External opportunities and threats.
    • Market share and competitors.
    • The key customer segments and business sectors.
    • Present and forecasted volumes, revenues and profit.
    • Regulatory and legislative constraints.
    • Trends in price, quality, standards and technology.
    • Competitive services and products, their quality and performance.
  • Proposed Go Live date.
  • How key strategic objectives and benefits are to be achieved.
  • How the objectives, CSFs and business benefits will be measured
  • Details of the project methodology and approach.
  • Details of all impacts on, and benefits to:
    • Technology structures and processes.
    • The business structures and processes.
    • The market.
    • Internal customers.
    • External customers.
    • Market share and competitors.
    • Other technology systems and services.
    • Human resources: headcounts, operational support and responsibilities.
  • Details of anticipated business volumes and technology volumes
  • Identification and quantification of all risks:
    • Description of the risk
    • Probability of the risk
    • The impact of the risk
    • Analysis of the risk
    • Steps taken to manage and minimise the risk
    • Any necessary contingency plans and expenditure
  • The preferred solution with its advantages, disadvantages, benefits, risks, costs, resources and time-scales, including ongoing requirements and costs.
  • Alternative solutions considered and their advantages, disadvantages, benefits, risks, costs and time-scales, including ongoing requirements and costs, including the ‘do nothing’ option.
  • The reasons for selecting the preferred suppliers and rejecting alternative suppliers.
  • Details of key milestones in the implementation process and the overall dependency upon them.
  • Details of related projects, dependancies and their interfaces and approval status.
  • Details of any dependent programmes or projects and their dependencies and approval status.
  • The authorising, owning or sponsoring body and budget(s) to be used.
  • Details of the approach to be adopted (e.g., in-house development, contracted-in development or outsourced development).
  • What levels of service are expected from the new services, components or technology and whether they are consistent with all existing levels and targets.
  • Procurement plans and policies with details of the preferred suppliers and their costs and comparative alternatives and their costs.
  • Financial analysis:
    • Financial assumptions.
    • Initial costs.
    • Ongoing costs.
    • Financial constraints and budgets.
    • Payback period and return on investment (ROI.)
    • Tolerances and sensitivities.
    • Funding and stakeholders.
    • The effect on the organisation’s financial performance and profitability.
  • The requirements for resources and finances from other areas of the company or externally.
  • The level of authorisation or approval necessary and the required time-scale for approval.
  • Summary and recommendations, clear, concise and unambiguous.


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