Designed to monitor as many services and system resources as possible. It has been created to be used under production Linux/UNIX servers, but due to its simplicity and small size can be used on embedded devices as well. It consists mainly of two programs: a collector, called
, which is a Perl daemon that is started automatically like any other system service, and a CGI script called monitorix.cgi
Since 3.0 version Monitorix includes its own HTTP server built in, so
you aren't forced to install a third-party web server to use it. All of its development was initially created for monitoring Red Hat,
Fedora and CentOS Linux systems, so this project was made keeping in
mind these type of distributions. Today it runs on different GNU/Linux
distributions and even in other UNIX systems like FreeBSD, OpenBSD and
NetBSD. It is currently in active development adding new features, new graphs
and correcting bugs in the attempt to offer a great tool for daily
systems administration. Monitorix is an open source project and, just like any other open
source project, anyone can contribute with his own time and knowledge.Find out more about Monitorix here.
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