A checklist is used to compensate for the weaknesses of human memory to
help ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a task.
Checklists came into prominence with pilots with the pilot's checklist
first being used and developed in 1934 when a serious accident hampered
the adoption into the armed forces of a new aircraft (the predecessor to
the famous Flying Fortress). The pilots sat down and put their heads
together. What was needed was some way of making sure that everything
was done; that nothing was overlooked. What resulted was a pilot's
checklist. Actually, four checklists were developed - take-off, flight,
before landing, and after landing. The new aircraft was not "too much
aeroplane for one man to fly", it was simply too complex for any one
man's memory. These checklists for the pilot and co-pilot made sure that
nothing was forgotten.
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